Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bob the Builder Birthday Party!

I sent Noah over to MawMaw & PawPaws the day of the party, so that he could come home to his party and all his family and friends! I NEVER want to forget the excitement on his face when he walked into the door! Thank goodness for videos! He started by yelling "There's Mommy, there she is!" Then for the next 2-3 hours, he repeately yelled "BOB THE BUILDER BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!" and "CAN WE FIX IT?" "YES WE CAN". He was so excited to wear his construction hat, see everyone, play with the kids, play in the pool, eat candy, eat cake, eat ice cream, hit the pinata, open gifts and more! He was one excited child! His excitement is why I LOVE making his birthday parties such a big deal! I love it!

After singing Happy Birthday to Noah - he came out carrying this construction sign! I am sad to say I didn't get a picture of him carrying it but luckily Dad got it on video! Anyways, here is the front...and here is the back...That's right baby #2 is own his/her way! Everyone, as planned, thought I was having twins but that's not the case - at least I don't think so! My sister and I are due on the same day!!! CRAZY and not AT ALL planned! We are super excited! Excited about being a big brother, but probably mostly about the cookies in this pic! ha!

All the kiddos!
Pinata Time!

The 3 preggos! I am so excited our kiddos being so close in age!
Present time!


Jami said...

Congratulations!! I saw the exciting news on Alicia's blog. How fun that you and your sister will habe babies so close in age and so fun that you guys can share this time together.

Jill said...

Happy Birthday, Noah! So, so excited about your great news, too! :)