Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Noah's Birthday Fun - Part 1!

The Birthday Boy woke up to a room full of balloons and a busy day ahead of him! He was so excited! Then he remembered what I told him the night before and started yelling "DONUTS!" So we headed to Krispy Kreme with a green balloon in tow! After a very healthy breakfast, yes he is double-fisting donuts in that picture, we headed to Toys R Us to let him pick out a new train! Me, being the sucker I am, we left the store with both Toby & Butch! He was pumped! After that he saw the sign for Bass Pro and insisted on going to "See Moose, see fishies, see turtle!" So it was to Bass Pro we went! After that, we had lunch with Daddy and went home for nap. He had to sleep with Butch and Toby, of course! After nap, he said "I want cuddle with Mommy". So again, we did as the birthday boy wished! (Yay for that one!) We played the rest of the afternoon until it was time to make dinner. Noah loves "noodles and meatballs" and he loves to help me cook - so that we did! Terry got home, we had dinner, opened presents and had birthday cake! Then we were off to Chuckie Cheeses (next post)! :)

Yelling "BUTCH, TOBY" Yelling, "Look, there it is! There's the turtle!" Yelling "Hi beavers, whatcha doing Beavers?" I never want to forgot how MUCH he uses full sentences now!

Love these next 2 pics!

"I want four-wheeler!"Time for nap and sleeping with Butch and Toby, of course!
How cute is he?!

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