Wednesday, August 17, 2011

2/29/2012 Leap Day

Well my date is confirmed, I am measuring exactly 12 weeks today - making a due date of 2/29/2012 Leap Day! Haha! Could you imagine being born that day? And yes, it's just one baby - one active baby! My mom, Terry and I just had to laugh. We were hoping that this one might be our laid back, calm baby but he/she was bouncing and wiggling the whole time! Right away, we all thought he/she looks like it has Noah's nose and big lips. It was simply adorable! The heart rate was 167 bpm. Noah's was 160 bpm the first time we heard it at 11 weeks.

I was so excited to show big brother the pictures! After his nap, he was super excited! You can actually read his lips, saying "baby brother". Apparentely his vote is on boy because he says baby brother all the time!

I haven't scanned them in yet, but here they are!

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