Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I've Been Tagged...

-Link to the person who tagged you.
-Post the rules on your blog.
-Write Six Random Things about yourself.
-Tag six-or-so other people at the bottom of the post.
-Leave comments on their blogs, letting them know they've been tagged!
-Let the person who tagged you know when you've written the post.

  1. I have been to 11 countries including the England, Ireland, France, Italy, St. Lucia, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Scotland, and of course the US! Soon to be 12, when I go to Jamaica in January!
  2. I have broke my nose, both cheekbones, my arm, and numerous bones in both of my ankles (too many times to count!)
  3. I went skydiving in the summer of 2002. One of the best experiences of my life!
  4. I hate blue ink. I have to have black.
  5. I definitely have OCD tendencies!
  6. Though I knew Terry basically my entire childhood, we started dating after a night out at 4th Street Live (romantic, I know!)

I tagged: Emily, Jennifer, Erin and Whitney

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Highlander Point's Halloween Bash!

Tonight was Highlander's Point Annual Halloween Party. We had a GREAT turnout and it was so much fun! The last few years, Terry & I were dressed up together. This year, he couldn't go, so I was a cop. I had some extra stuff, so Mom was a cop too! We had a blast seeing all the cute little kids dressed up!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wedding Photography

I finished the wedding pictures for the Allen-Best Wedding! They were married on October 11th and had a beautiful ceremony at the Corydon Square. Here are a few of my favorites!

Sam & Jake...

Most of you probably saw these pictures on Alicia's blog, but I wanted to add some on here too! My nephews are just too cute!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my dad's birthday! His day started with balloons, signs, a special song, and a cupcake at work...and then we all had dinner at Mom & Dad's house! Happy Birthday Dad!!! You are the best! We love you!!!

He sure is a wonderful PawPaw!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Jamie's Baby Shower

My friend Jamie had her baby shower today! She is expecting a little girl in December. She looks great and her shower was so cute!