Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Hubby!

Happy 30th Birthday to my hubby! I love you honey and I hope you had a wonderful birthday!

On Sunday, we had him a surprise party at Incredible Dave's! Even though, Terry did NOT want a party, I think he ended up having a pretty good time! Thanks to all our friends and family who came!

Friday, September 25, 2009

More Fun Pictures!!

Noah was just sitting on the couch with me tonight like a big boy and it was just too cute to pass up some pictures! I just love him so much!

Daddy joined us!
Now for some tummy time!

Fun Pictures!

Here are some fun pictures of Noah from the past few weeks!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Look

So my husband made this for to me today....hahahaha! I just had to take a second to blog it!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Why no blogs!?

Okay, so I wanted to give a quick update on Noah and the reason as to why I haven't been blogging much about my sweet lil boy! Well, we have been spending every waking hour (well, Noah's sleeping hours) either at the doctors or on the phone with doctors, lacatation consultants, other mothers, etc. The first few weeks for Noah were great! He latched on wonderfully and was gaining weight great! He did have some gas that caused him some pain, but it wasn't too bad at first...but things have progressively got worse. Noah screams and cries through almost all his feedings. He would latch on for a few minutes and then just cry with pain. I took him to the doctors and he wasn't gaining what he should, so over the last few weeks, we have tried many, many different things to rule out what the problem is...I cut things out of my diet, tried prescription gas medicine, prescription acid-reflux medicine, tried lactose free formula, tried sitting him up to eat, laying him down to eat, etc, etc, etc. Today I took him in again to check his weight and after hearing his stomach again (and in the doctor's words, it's sounds like his intensines are in a fight!), he set us up an appointment with a GI doctor and also sent us immediately over to get an abdominal x-ray. So now we are just waiting for the results. So if you would, say a little prayer for our sweet little boy!

1 Month Photo Shoot

Here are a few of Noah's 1 month pictures! Hopefully I will get some more done and posted soon!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

1 Month Old

Our baby is 1 month old already! I just cannot believe it! I will try to get his 1 month pictures done and posted soon! In the meantime, to our sweet baby boy Noah, we love you more and more each day!