Monday, November 30, 2009

Flash Back!

Here is a picture of Terry & I (and Noah) on our anniversary last year...the night we found out we were pregnant!
...and here we are a year later on our 2nd anniversary with our precious little boy!!!

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Well today is our 2 year anniversary! Hard to believe! We went out to dinner on Saturday to Cheesecake Factory and then ended the night dancing in the empty parking lot of the Forest Discovery Center, which is where we had our reception! Haha! It was a fun night!

Leaving Noah in good hands!
Thanks Mom & Dad for watching him and for the gift certificate!

It's Christmas Time!

It's officially Christmas time, which means, we are officially busy!!! Ha! On Black Friday, my mom, sister, and I went shopping as usual! That night, me & my boys went and got our Christmas tree. Then on Saturday, we put up our other Christmas trees and decorations. That night, Terry & I celebrated our anniversary and then on Sunday, we celebrated our nephew Tylar's birthday! Geez, it was a busy, but wonderful weekend!

Getting the tree wore him out! Touching one of the artificial trees for the first time!
Family picture! We have a picture kind of like this of the "three" of us last year...on the night we found out we were pregnant with Noah! :)
Aunt Melissa rocking Noah at Tylar's birthday party!
Look how we matched! Ha!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Elder/Nichter Thanksgiving

We had the Elder/Nichter Thanksgiving at MawMaw & PawPaw Nichter's house. Everything was again yummy!
Reading magazines with some of his 2nd cousins! Naked with Daddy's hat on! So cute! :)

Thanksgiving Breakfast!

Here is Noah giving himself his Thanksgiving breakfast!! Haha! We crack up when he holds his own bottle!

McAfee Thanksgiving

We had Thanksgiving at Mom & Dad's house! Everything was yummy and Noah was super cute in his vest! I am so thankful for family!

Mom's beautiful table!
Sam playing Charades!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Just Hanging Out with Mommy!

Bath Time Fun!

Noah was having a blast during and after his bath last night! He loves sucking on his hands and anything else he can get ahold for that matter!! He looked so cute in his towel!

Big Boy Chair!

Noah was looking like a big boy in his highchair the other night! We didn't actually feed him in it, but I just wanted to see him sit in it for the first time! Doesn't he look ready to eat?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bus Driver!

"Bus driver, will you please open the door?"

Our Little Monster!

So here's the story behind this one...the first couple of months of Noah's life were a bit, well let's just say, rough...okay, very rough! One day, during that time, my mom called me to check on me and I quietly answered the phone and said "shhh, the monster is sleeping." My mom laughed histerically and ever since then, he has been our lil monster! Well my mom recently went on a trip and brought back this shirt! SO FUNNY and so cute! Doesn't he look like a scary little monster now?

Even the back of the shirt is adorable!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Busy, but nice weekend!

We had a very busy, but nice weekend! The weekend was packed full and included Daddy & Noah having some cuddle time...a nice family walk that Noah loved...celebrating MawMaw Nichter's birthday and her & PawPaw's anniversary...celebrating Uncle Mike's Birthday...seeing Uncle Derek...

And then ending the wonderful weekend like this...