Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Back to Belly!

Laynie is now rolling back to belly! Such a big girl!

Random June Picture Fun #2!

These two...

My goodness, these two are too cute!!!

Summer Camp and Vacation Bible School

A few pictures from summer camp and vacation bible school! Noah LOVED both!

Potty with NO cup!

Ha! I wouldn't think this is blog worthy if I weren't living this! Going potty without a cup is fantastic, even if it is short lived!

Monday, June 29, 2015

6 Week Appointment - Cast Off

Well she was all smiles taking the cast off (she said the saw tickled!) but the tears came soon after. Her first movements were painful, sore and scary. Bad news followed...

It didn't go well. The femur bone break is healed but the cyst did not fill in with bone like we hoped. I knew it was soon as I saw the x-ray. It is completely hollow there. She is now in a brace that spreads her legs even more. It's terrible but we can take if off for her to take a bath and she can be held in a pool. She will be in it for 4 weeks with no walking at all. She will then go back for x-rays and hope the bone has filled in. But the doctor says it doesn't look promising and she will most likely need the surgery for bone graft, which means she will then be back in the spica cast (same as before) for another 4-6 weeks without walking. Then therapy. The x-rays for years to come, as even after the surgery, the cyst could still return.