Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Little Bit on Allie!

Just a couple of things about Allie to remember at this point - she LOVES to run past everyone in line when we are picking up Noah at preschool and go straight in! Once I get in there, she has always either found a seat to sit just like the big kids or found her brother who is giving her a big o' hug! She LOVES her babydolls, blankie and bracelets.  She is still mommy's Velcro! Though she is a girly girl, she is still tough as can be - and loves to keep up with the boys! She enjoys reading books, playing kitchen, and stealing things from Noah. :)

Friday, August 30, 2013

Charlestown Splash Park

We have been wanting to do this FOREVER! We finally went! SUCH a fun place! I think I will have Noah's birthday there next year!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Preschool Parent Night

We went to Noah's Preschool Parent Night tonight! They told us about what the kids have been doing, what they will be doing and what they do on a daily basis. Ms. Ficko said that they went to the computer lab for the first time and that it was chaotic and some kids might have had some anxiety over it because the didn't know how to use the mouse, etc. She then says in front of all of the parents "But Noah Elder, let me tell you! He didn't have any trouble! He was into it all, beating all the levels, and helping others and into other sights! He was all over it!" ha! I wasn't sure if that was a compliment or that meant I let him to do much computer time! She told me later that it was great and so refreshing and helpful! It was fun seeing all of his work and pictures hanging up in the classroom and learning about what he does everyday!  

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Lake Weekend on Stan & Ann's Houseboat!

So we didn't totally lie to mom - we all did go out on the houseboat, just a day later than she thought! And we had a blast! I hope we really do start a family reunion weekend on the houseboat!