Monday, January 31, 2011

Mimi & Pa's

Sunday afternoon, we headed out to Mimi & Pa's house! We had a yummy dinner, Noah got to ride on Pa's new tractor, and Tylar & I had a shoot-off! I have to say, we both have a pretty good shot but he is really good!
That wrapped up our wonderful weekend! It really was the best weekend we have had in awhile! We got to see some friends on Friday night and then continued seeing every one of our immediate family members (that live around here!) over the rest of the weekend. On Saturday, I did a photo shoot with Daniel, Alicia, Sam & Jake (Terry & Noah went with me, so Noah got to hang out with his buddies too), I got to see Grandma at the bridal shower I went to, then we got to hang out with MawMaw & PawPaw that afternoon and evening. On Sunday, I did a photo shoot with Andrea & Mike (and they visited with Noah & Terry some too, of course), then we got to spend the evening with Great MawMaw & PawPaw Nichter, Mimi & Pa, Melanie, Alex and Melissa! We sure are blessed with wonderful family!

MawMaw & PawPaw

Noah was super excited when MawMaw & PawPaw stopped by on the motorcycle on Saturday! They went on a walk with us and played outside for awhile to enjoy the nice weather. Afterwards, we headed to Moe's for dinner!

He looked like this the whole walk! He LOVES MawMaw & PawPaw! :)

Taking a Shower...

with his CLOTHES on! Saturday morning, Terry was taking a shower and Noah decides to jump in with his PJs on and with ribbitt in tow! Funny enough, this isn't the first time this has happened! BUT it's the first time he did it with Daddy and the first time I got it on camera!

First Date

I think Noah had his official first date on Friday night! He loves Addie! They sat together at dinner, Noah continually tickled her, they shared an ice cream cone, and it even ended with a kiss!! It was SOOO sweet! :)

He did it in front of her Daddy! Noah is definitely a MAN! Hehe! :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Noah made Daddy some rice krispy treats! What a mess...a yummy one, though! :)


We have been doing lots of crafts in this house lately! Earlier this week, we took Noah to Target to spend his gift card that he got from Great MawMaw & PawPaw Nichter for Christmas. He got lots of goodies to use with his play-doh and some more craft stuff!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sam's 5th Birthday Party!

WAY back on the 7th of January, we went to Sam's Mario Birthday Party! He turned FIVE! Noah absolutely loves Sam! Anyways, I forgot my camera and I just finally got some pictures from my sister. So here they are! The first one is of Sam, right after Jake blew out his candles! Haha! He was not happy but it was so funny! Oh brotherly love! :)

Noah is double-fisting suckers! Geez!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Noah's Buddies!

Noah loves his buddies (some of my college friends!) and was super happy they came to visit him! Noah had a blast! :)

Singing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" with Christine, though he really wanted her to go back to the ABC song! Ha!


Trucks, Daddy, milk and a snack...some of Noah's favorite things! We had a very lazy Sunday today. We are SO ready for spring weather and good health in this house. I was feeling terrible and Noah's diarrhea hasn't slowed. So we spent most of the day napping and having some quiet play. Noah loved using his cool chair (which he looks super cute in, don't ya think?) to watch some cartoons and playing trucks with Daddy!

Girl's Night In

Me and some friends had a girl's night in last night! We expected a big crowd, but there was just the 4 of us! I went sick and all, but the girl's didn't mind! We had fun playing 'Catch Phrase' and catching up!
Me & Christine - she went to college with me and lives in Missouri! LOVE when she is in town!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Bringing in the Snow!

It has been too cold and we have been too sick to play out in the snow, so we brought it inside to us today! Noah had a BLAST!

Sleepy Boys

My boys were a sleepy...and oh so cute!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Balls!

We made edible snow balls (thanks Jill!) and they were yummy! Noah loved rolling them in the powder sugar. He kept yelling "SUGAR!"

1st Play-Doh

Noah & I played with Play-Doh for the first time today! He wanted to eat it at first, of course, but he caught on quickly. It was fun!


So I have been a blog-mommy slacker lately! Re-cap of our time - lots of indoor play, separation anxiety, and sickness! Ugh! I have been taking Noah to the Y child watch for the last 3 weeks, while I work out. He has never been left with anyone, except family. So this was really hard for me. I figured going in there that I would be a mess keeping myself together and that he would be just fine! Well, I was wrong, he hates it. So now he is super attached to me. I can't leave the room without him by my side. On top of that, he is rarely sick but has had strep not once, but twice since going there! So now I just don't know what to do! I know that it WILL be good for both him and me, but this is so hard! He hasn't shown any sign of getting used to it either! Anyways, on top of both his strep and everything, the poor baby's medicine is giving him bad diarrhea/rash and he has another molar coming in! I also had a stomach bug earlier this week and now have a stuffy/running nose! SO, needless to say, I have been slacking on the updates. I have only taken a few pictures in the last few weeks, so here they are! We have had a little fun here! Most of these were taken last week during the snow....

Making snow ice cream! Noah liked eating the snow, just as much as the finished product! Playing in a box with Daddy! Haha!
Making snowman cookies one day, since he was too sick to play in the actual snow!