Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Crawling? So close!

Noah has been lifting up his butt and kind of lunging forward for a while now but tonight he was really getting into it! He was really lifting his butt and arms up! It was so cute! We may have a mover on our hands pretty soon!

Finally some pictures...

...of his tooth! I have been trying and trying to get one and I finally did!

Buckle Up for Safety!

Here is a prime example of why you should always buckle up your child in a bouncer! Haha! He thinks it is so funny to flip over and chew on the belt!

"Who me?" Doesn't he look guilty!

Christmas Toys!

Noah has really been enjoying some of his new Christmas toys!

Playing with his new shape blocks from Santa!
Playing with his new ride (and walker) from his Aunt Alicia & Uncle Daniel!
Reading one of his many, new books!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's Snowing!

We took Noah out in his new camo outfit to play in the snow today! Thanks for the outfit Aunt Melissa! We were literally only out there for probably 5 minutes because it was cold, but we had fun! Noah was laughing almost the whole time we were out there! I was hoping to get pictures that really showed the snow, but you really can't see much of it...but it really was coming down hard! We took so many pictures in those few minutes that it was hard to choose just a couple to blog!

I absolutely LOVE this picture!
Family picture time!
Yes, Daddy was wearing shorts!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Spoiled much?

So here are some pictures of how Noah made out...you can barely even see him in the first picture!

Christmas Day!

After we celebrated at home, we headed to Mom & Dad's house! All of my family was in town, which was wonderful! Chad & Fargol got to meet Noah for the first time. We had a wonderful brunch that Mom prepared, had family pictures, and again opened gifts! We got SO much that we had to leave some stuff at Mom & Dad's house and still couldn't see out our back window! We are so blessed to have such an amazing family!

My sweet little family!

After that, we headed to my in-laws to celebrate with them again. We ate and had more presents! Noah again enjoyed tearing and trying to eat the paper!

Noah got his very first gun! Thanks Pa!
Doesn't this look natural? Noah is happy!
Noah and his great PawPaw Nichter! He loves him!
By the end of the day, Noah was wore out and so were we! He went to sleep before we left and ended up sleeping in until 10:15 am today (of course, getting up twice to eat, but still)!!! We had a very blessed Christmas and are so thankful for everyone in our lives!

Christmas Morning...Santa Came!

On Christmas morning, we went in Noah's room and found him with a big-o grin on his face! He was ready to see if Santa came...and he did! We had a wonderful time as our little family of three having breakfast together, opening gifts, and then playing with the toys, of course!

My sweet family
Noah ready to open gifts!
First, his stocking...
Helping Daddy open his too...
Playing in his favorite part, the paper...too cute!!!
Mommy & Daddy love you Noah Lee!

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, we went to church and then headed to MawMaw & PawPaw Nichter's house. Noah got to see Santa for the first time! He was not very happy about it but once I stripped him naked, he was happy as can be! Mommy knows what makes him happy! :)

Noah and his only first cousin on the Elder side, he needs more...
hint, hint to my sister-in-laws!
My family with Santa!
He loved tearing off the paper!
We had a great time! Thanks everyone!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Well, Christmas has come and nearly gone. It was definitely a Christmas of change...it was our first Christmas with Noah, our first Christmas as a new little family, our first Christmas not celebrated at "home" in New Salisbury, our first Christmas that we did not attend St. Mary's of Lanesville, our first Christmas as parents. I had anxiety about some changes and thrilled about others, but in the end, everything came out wonderful. Noah had an awesome time opening gifts, going to church at the Knobs was great, and being at my mom & dad's new house felt normal, as if we always have been there! It was a wonderful feeling! Christmas was full of amazing, loving family, great food, wonderful gifts, and lots of snot-nosed smiles from the sweetest little boy in the world. I will never forget seeing his big huge, one-toothed grin this morning when Terry & I went in to get him when he woke up. I will never forget his sweet little determined face when trying to tear the paper off his gifts. I will never forget the beautiful necklace that I got from him. I will never forget Terry & I looking at each other and just smiling when we heard him talking in the backseat on the way to Mom & Dad's house. Noah is an absolute blessing. I love him more than I could ever explain in words. I would do anything and everything for him and I will love him forever and always. It is such an amazing feeling being a mother to this sweet little baby boy. I thank God everyday for him. Christmas is such a good time to reflect on your life, your family, and what's really important in life. Thank you to all my family who made this Christmas so wonderful and a special thank you for one of the best gifts I could receive, a phone call from my dad, just a few minutes ago, where he proceded to say, "You are such a wonderful Mommy. I always knew you would be, but I just want you to know that you are." I know that probably seems so simple, but it completely warmed my heart. Thank you Dad, thank you Noah, thank you Terry, thank you family, and thank you God. Happy Birthday Jesus and Merry Christmas everyone!