Wednesday, July 8, 2015

MRI day!

There are a few perks to an MRI today...wake up to roses and a note from Daddy & jello jigglers and popsicles for breakfast! Noah was pretty happy with the perk too!

As for the MRI, it went well. We should have the results within the next day or two. They were wonderful there. They put her to sleep while she was in my arms with MawMaw by our side - which was great for Allie (not so much for mommy! I was a MESS). They said she would probably be sleepy and wouldn't be too hungry for the next 24 hours. Well she woke up very grumpy but about 15 mins into the car ride home, this girl was like "Where are we eating?! Let's go to Chick-fil-a!" and she was WIDE AWAKE well past 11pm! ha!

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