Thursday, July 2, 2015

Allie's 2nd Opinion

I spoke to the surgeon (Dr. Sarah Steward - who casted her) yesterday for a very, very long time. She called me to tell me that she discussed Allie's case with her associates, as well as another orthopedic surgeon who specializes in cysts and tumors. After speaking with all of them, they all agree that she needs a bone graft and should not wait the four weeks (which I didn't think she should!). She described her case as very rare and has high potential of happening again in the future. She wants to set up the surgery at her earliest available opening. After asking her about 9 million questions, I have opted to push off the surgery and to get more opinions. So I called her pediatrician who thankfully was able to expedite my appointment. I will be taking her to the Cincinnati Children's Hospital to see a pediatric orthopedic surgeon who specializes in bone cysts on Tuesday. They are ranked #3 in the country in pediatric orthopedic surgery, so I am hopeful. In the meantime, we just have to be VERY careful to not let this bone break again, as it could very easily. Fingers crossed for Tuesday!!

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