Thursday, July 16, 2015

Allie's Surgery - July 16th Cincinnati Children's Hospital

Doctor came out. He said all went well. He said the outside of the bone was so thin that he didn't even need a saw - just picked it away to get into it. He said she did lose some blood and still may need a blood transfusion but chances are fairly low. He said pathology looked at it already and said it did look like the aneurysmal but won't be confirmed until probably next week. They are hoping there is nothing else in there (as cancer cells can be found within the mix of blood cells). He was going back in there to put the spica cast on at that point. He assured us that once he was in there, he felt confident he was doing the right procedure for her.

I know she has a long road ahead and I will feel much better after the pathology report comes back but so very thankful today went overall well. She had her ups and downs but overall is doing pretty well.

***Allie Ann I posted this on Facebook and there were well over 200 likes and over 50 comments, as well as tons of comments before the post wishing you well! You have so much love and support!


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