Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Noah's Preschool Birthday Party!

I am not sure who was more excited me or Noah! I was pumped about getting to come to his school and see him in a whole different realm. Noah was pumped about me coming to his school and bringing cookies for everyone! I got there early and watched him play on the playground. It was ADORABLE to watch! He appeared to be a little leaders - he had 3 little boys following him everywhere he went! Then it was time for them to line up to come in. He still hadn't seen me at that point. He listened to the teacher like such a good boy! Then as they came walking he saw me and as he pointed to me, he yelled "she has cookies!!!" haha! All of the kids cheered! :) We went in and the kids washed hands, prayed, ate their cookie and sang to Noah. So, so cute! I ended up staying the rest of the day and observing. I LOVED watching Noah in this whole different atmosphere, interacting with kids, listening to a teacher, etc. He was answering lots of the teacher's questions, which I loved to hear. It was great! A great, great morning for me and Noah! He even got a gift from the teacher and got another gift from me when he got to the car!

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