Sunday, August 4, 2013

Allie at 18 Months

Allie, you are simply growing old too fast! You are becoming such a little toddler lately and it is just so much fun! I love you to pieces and so do the boys! Allie you can:
  • Say most anything! You can repeat pretty much anything we ask you! Some words you say often include: I love you, Mommy, Daddy, Thank You, Apple, Watermelon, Puppy, Bird, Bracelet, Necklace, More, Yellow, Blanket, Nana (banana), Please, Noah, Allie, RuRu (Andrea), RuRe (Avery), Mike, Shoe, Ball, YoYo, Hi, Bye Bye, MawMaw, PawPaw, Mimi, Pa, Choo Choo, Buzz, Duck, Baby, Milk, Water, Drink, Snack, Popcorn, Chip, Up, Down, No No, Two, Three, Nose, Eye, Toes, Belly, Ears, Foot, Dirty, Baby Einstein, Night Night and much more!
  • Mommy is still your all time favorite person (I can't forget to put that on here, right?! ha!)
  • You love your blankie and you are still a fantastic sleeper! You generally nap from 1 to 4 and go to bed at 8:30ish. You say "Night Night! I love you!" when I lay you down!
  • You are a CLIMBER! Good grief, I have you watch you! You will be standing on top of the dining room table in a split second if I am not watching!
  • You love to eat! You love snacks!
  • We are living with Aunt Andrea right now so you and Avery (RuRe as you call him) have a very love/hate relationship but mostly love. We think you two are going to miss each other like crazy when we move.
  • Say all of the animal sounds!
  • You love to play in water - of any kind! Pool, sprinkler, lake, anything!
  • You hate having your teeth brushed! Ugh!!!
  • You are wearing 18 and some 24 months clothes, mostly size 6 shoes and size 4 diapers.
  • You seem to be very ready to potty train but I stored your potty! You tell me every single time when you poop and when your diaper is too wet. You say "poopy" and "pee pee" as you point. You don't like to have a poopy diaper and you will sometimes just go get a diaper and lay down for me to change you!  
  • Point to all of your main body parts - ear, tongue, eye, toe, nose, belly, hair, hand, cheek, etc.
  • You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to accessorize right now! You are obsessed! You want to wear like 100 bracelets, necklaces and bows all at one time. You don't want to take them off or share them. You are good about taking them off for nap and bedtime but you wake up and say "bracet! bracet!" as you point to your wrist! If we leave the house without them somehow, we hear about it the whole trip! ha!  

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