Saturday, August 10, 2013

Drive In Movies!!!

We have been wanting to take Noah to the drive-ins for forever! We finally made plans to do it Friday but it rained! So Saturday was the day! We were headed there and excited! Can you see Terry's excitement? haha! Well most of us were excited! We arrived early and ran into some friends there, so we parked next to them and the boys played! Allie loves Lincoln (Baby! Baby!). I wasn't sure how the kids would do (mostly Allie of course) but they did great! Neither wanted to sleep though! Allie stayed awake through all of Planes and was up until sometime around 11:30!! She only feel asleep because we put her in her carseat and were going to leave...but she feel asleep, so we stayed for the second movie Smurfs 2! Noah stayed awake through it all, asked for Taco Bell on the way home, stayed awake all the way home...and finally went to bed at 1:30! What is he in college or something? Fun, fun night!!!

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