Friday, August 2, 2013

Noah's 4 Year & Allie's 18 Month Appointments

Noah and Allie both did great and were much nicer to Dr. Bichir this go around! ha! Every question Dr. Bichir asked was a check, check, check! Noah had his blood pressure taken and had to pee in a cup - all new to him! He wasn't so sure about either but went along with it! ha! Dr Bichir said he could honestly say he has never had a 4 year old sing the alphabets and do his numbers that fast! haha! He was impressed with Allie talking so much, knowing her body parts and knowing some colors! Both kids are doing FANTASTIC!!! Allie had to get one shot today - Noah hid her behind the door, so they couldn't get her! haha! He didn't want her to cry but surprisingly she didn't!

Noah was 42 lbs (90th percentile in weight) and 3 ft 7.5 inches tall (95th percentile in height). Allie weighed 28 lbs 15 1/2 oz (95th percentile). Her head was 18 3/4 in (75th percentile). She was 36.5 inches in height (off the charts on height!).

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