Tuesday, August 6, 2013


It was time! Time for Noah to start preschool! Today was the big day! Noah woke up early with a smile, excited about the day! I was really not sure how he would do but I just kept encouraging him and telling him how much fun it would be! On the way and once we got there, he kept saying "I know I am going to have fun but I am going to miss you" . I just kept telling him that it was okay to miss me, but that he was going to have so much fun, he wouldn't even realize he missed me and that I would be right back to pick him up! He would again as bravely as he could say, "I know, I know I am going to have fun but I am going to miss you." So sweet buddy!

So into school we went! Noah was still very excited, little nervous I could tell, but excited. I was surprised he was doing so well because it was MADNESS in there! Kids were screaming, crying, peeing pants and throwing up! It was crazy! He got really nervous once he sat in his seat and knew we were leaving, he started to cry a little and we went out the door - I had to go fast because I was about to lose it! And that I did once I made it to the car! I BAWLED like a baby!!! Terry went back to work and Allie just looked at my crazy as I cried! :)


TIME TO PICK HIM UP!!!!  I swear, time stood still for me when he was in school! I was at home with Allie and Avery and was pacing...pacing...checking the clock...pacing...checking the clock... haha! It was ridiculous! I was worried about him really. I just missed him and was SO ready to hear about his day!
And what did I have? A HAPPY BOY! He waved and lit up when Allie & I walked in the room! He waved so excitedly! He stayed in his seat when I came in the door, like a good boy, until his name was called. Ms. Ficko told him "Great job Noah, you listened and stayed in your seat just like I told you!" Then he ran and gave me a huge hug! We talked to Sam on the playground before leaving, then we made it to the car. I said "So tell me, tell me, how was your day? What did you do!!!?" He said "ate oreos!!!" haha! I said "what else?" He said "drank milk!" Hahaha! He continued to tell me that he made friends, learned to raise his hand to talk, played on the playground, colored and sang songs. He said he is ready to go back! Yay!  

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