Thursday, February 9, 2012

Twas the Night Before Miss Allie came...

....and all through the house was calm. On Friday night, I told Terry that I just felt like I was going to go into labor that night. He asked why and I told him I just felt that way for many reasons. We went to the zoo that day, then to the park after nap and just had a great day in general. That evening, I finally decided that I better pack Noah a bag in case I went into labor early. I was crying like a crazy lady at the thought of being away from him for 3 nights. Noah came in, saw me and said "It's okay sugar precious!" haha! Then we preceeded to have our first talk about how if baby Allie decided to come early, we may be gone one morning (little did we know it would really be the next morning!). I told him Uncle Daniel or someone may be here, etc. He was excited and thought that was really cool. It made me feel so good about everything!

Shortly after we put Noah to bed at about 10:15 pm, I started having contractions. I had been having them all week but usually for only an hour from 3am-4am. Well I figured they would go away. They were coming about every 3 to 5 minutes but nothing really painful, just there. I tried to sleep. Slept for maybe a hour or so. Just laid in bed for a few hours. Finally at 3 am, I called my mom - ya know, because moms always know best, right?! I woke up Terry and said that I think we might have to go in because it had been 5 hours and still 3 to 5 mins apart. I called the doctor on call, Dr. Price. I told her it wasn't strong or painful contractions, if I was to be going in for a vaginal delivery then I would have stayed home but since it's a c-section, I wasn't sure. She said to come in.

I called mom and asked her to come up and stay with Noah since I couldn't get a hold of Daniel (chump! Ha!) but told her to take her time. I wasn't really even packed. I still thought they would probably send us home. For some reason, Noah woke up around 4 am, yelling for me. He hardly ever wakes up in the night. I went in and he said "Cars Bandaids!" I told him we didn't have any left but I had them on the list. haha. Then he said "Can I have fruit snacks?" haha, then says "We can watch Thomas in the morning, then have playtime, then lunch, then I can eat smiley fruit snacks. You can have some too because you're a girl. Daddy can have one pack of Toy Story ones because there's only 1 left." hahaha, so random. After that, he asked me to sing to him over and over and was like he knew the attention was only ALL his for a little longer. I sang his favorites, "Twinkle, Twinkle", "Midnight Moon" and "Goodnight My Baby" over and over. Then Daddy went in and talked to him too. He finally went to sleep shortly before MawMaw & PawPaw came over.

We got to the hospital at 5:50 am. They hooked me up and I was definitely contracting every 3 minutes. After a while, they decided to try and stop my contractions since I was only 36 weeks 4 days. Well after 4 attempts, Dr. Dutton came in and checked me, said that I was dilating and nothing was stopping the contrations, so I was going into the operating room in about 45 mins! We hadn't even called anyone because we didn't know if they were keeping us - so then it was game on! We were excited and nervous but I was calmed knowing I was in Dr. Dutton's hands...

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

Love it! I just hate that we didn't hear your call!!! Maybe next time!! ha ha!