Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Spring Mill

MawMaw & PawPaw planned a last minute camping trip out to Spring Mill for a couple of nights. So Noah & I took advantage of it and drove up to spend the day with them today! It was so much fun! He started out with some major play time with the dirt, rocks, and his trucks. We then had lunch at the campsite, went on a walk to the campstore, and then it was nap time for little man. After that, we went down to the Mill, had dinner at the Lodge, playtime on playground and around the campfire, then it was bathtime and time to go home! It was a great day, but of course, we really wish Daddy could have been with us and was glad to be going home to see him!

Noah & PawPaw sharing a Choco Taco (Haha, Derek!)
How cute are they?
Naptime!Down to the Mill we go...


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

fun! we love to camp!! spring mill was a great place!!

Anonymous said...

He's poking Smokey's eye! -Aunt Ru