Saturday, August 7, 2010

1 Year Appointment!

My big man had his 1 year appointment today! Seriously, have I mentioned that time flies and I cannot believe he is one? Well, he is and he is a healthy, growing little one year old! Dr. Bichir said that he was doing great on everything! He had to have his finger pricked (again) and 3 shots. He weighed 23lbs 10oz (65th percentile), 32in height (95th percentile) and 18.5in head (50th percentile). I had a list of questions for Dr. Bichir, but not very many. He laughed and said he couldn't believe I only had a few and said he had cleared his day for my appointment and all my questions! He also said "See, I told you that you would make it to a year! I told you it would get easier!" He was right! After getting through those very tough first 6 months, life has become much easier! Noah is a pretty easy going and fun little sweetheart! Can you tell?

"I'm ONE!"

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