Sunday, August 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Mimi!

We celebrated Mimi's 53rd birthday today (though the cake says 51, haha!) at Great MawMaw & PawPaw Nichter's house! Noah was loving every minute of it, especially since he ate doughnuts and cookie cake for dinner! Rotten little boy! Haha! :) Happy Birthday Mimi!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Spring Mill

MawMaw & PawPaw planned a last minute camping trip out to Spring Mill for a couple of nights. So Noah & I took advantage of it and drove up to spend the day with them today! It was so much fun! He started out with some major play time with the dirt, rocks, and his trucks. We then had lunch at the campsite, went on a walk to the campstore, and then it was nap time for little man. After that, we went down to the Mill, had dinner at the Lodge, playtime on playground and around the campfire, then it was bathtime and time to go home! It was a great day, but of course, we really wish Daddy could have been with us and was glad to be going home to see him!

Noah & PawPaw sharing a Choco Taco (Haha, Derek!)
How cute are they?
Naptime!Down to the Mill we go...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Carousel Ride!

Noah & I met MawMaw, Aunt RuRe, and Great Grandma Hasselback at the mall last week. Of course, MawMaw being the sweet Grandma that she is got Noah, not 1, not 2, but 3 rides on the carousel! Haha! It was cute! I didn't have my camera, but luckily Aunt RuRe did!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dog, Pool, Birthday...

We went over to Katie's (Noah's 2nd cousin) birthday party today. She turned 13 years old! They have a dog, a pool, and a piano! Throw in some cake, icecream, and pizza...and Noah was in heaven! I forgot my camera but luckily Katie already tagged some for me on Facebook! So here are a few....

In the pool with the birthday girl!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Peek-a-Boo & Weeds

Peek-a-boo and weeds? How do these relate? They don't, but the pictures are from the same day, so same blog post it is! :) Noah LOVES to play peek-a-boo. He loves to hide his face behind everything...his hands, a blanket, his shirt, ribbit, or whatever he has! We have to say over and over, "where's Noah?" before he comes out! He thinks it's so funny! He loves to hide behind the glider, couch, and doors too! He does it all the time right now!

Now as for the weeds, I just think this was cute. Terry was picking some weeds in the yard and Noah went over there and starting picking them too. It was adorable!

Calypso Cove

We headed up to Calypso Cove with MawMaw & Braeden today! It's the last day that it is open on a weekday, so we thought we would take advantage of it! And we can't beat a free waterpark! :) We had so much fun!!! It was so nice having people to join us for once! Braeden & I even got to go down the big slides, though I didn't get a picture! Noah loved these little slides...

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Can you tell Noah enjoyed dinner? Yummy, spaghetti & meatballs!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Swinging or sleeping?

I was looking through some pictures and found these pictures from my Dad's camera. I never blogged them and they are definitely blog worthy! It's from probably a month ago, but had to share! :) He had already had a nap that day, but was obviously still tired!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Noah took his first official wagon ride around the neighborhood tonight! We are so enjoying the nice weather! :)


It was SO, SO nice out today! It was almost like a nice fall day! So we took full advantage of it and spent the morning at the park. Noah loved every minute of it! We started off playing with his favorite thing, the rocks! Ha! Then swings, slides, merry-go-round, lunch, etc. Love this time with my sweet boy!

Love this picture!
Then he chased a squirrel! Haha! Had to include that! :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wash Your Hands!

Before and after dinner, I always take Noah in to wash his hands. Well, somehow after dinner tonight, we ended up like this! One soakin' wet diaper and shorts! Silly boy! :)