Sunday, March 29, 2009

Week 22-24: Papaya

I am 22 weeks along and our little boy is now comparable to the size of a papaya! The website suggests this fruit for the whole month, instead of the week. More info on baby: "Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. At almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a minature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment."
Here is me & my belly at 22 weeks (5 and 1/2 months) along!

Today, we went to Terry's MawMaw & PawPaw's house to visit with the family. It is always nice to spend time with them and was especially nice to see our nephew Tylar! It is the first time I have seen him since I have had a baby belly and he just loved it. He is so excited that it is a boy and said he is going to tell everyone at school tomorrow that his aunt is having a boy. He kept feeling my belly and asking if he was kicking. At one point, he did start kicking, so I yelled for Tylar. He came running and ended up feeling 3 strongs kicks! It was great! Tylar was so excited. When Tylar went to leave, he hugged me, kissed my belly and said "Bye Noah" (a name we are thinking about, but not sure of). Then as they were leaving, he yelled "Tell Aunt Leslie to tell Noah that I love him!" So, so sweet!!!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

It's a....BOY!!!!

We found out today that we have a healthy SON on the way! So weird to say "son"! I love it! We are so excited! We had a good laugh at the ultrasound because our boy is apparently ALL boy....the US tech had just showed us the boy parts, when the tech (sweet as can be) starts giggling, covers her face, and gets a little red and says "Oh my goodness, look where his hand is! Oh wait, now both hands are on his boy parts!!!" Hahaha, it was so funny!!! My little boy is already acting like a man! The 2nd picture down definitely shows his manhood!

We went straight from the doctors to Target to buy something boy related!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Men Are Just Happier People

So my husband just sent this to me in an email and it made me laugh! I wish my life as a woman was this easy! Haha!

Men Are Just Happier People - What do you expect from such simple creatures? Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can be President. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character. Wedding dress-$5000. Tux rental-$100. People never stare at your chest when you'retalking to them. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff abouttanks. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. You can open all your own jars. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend. Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You almost never have strap problems in public. You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. Everything on your face stay sits original color. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades. You only have to shave your face and neck. You can play with toys all your life. One wallet and one pair of shoes, one color for all seasons. You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look. You can 'do' your nails with a pocket knife. You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache. You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes. No wonder men are happier.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Week 21: Banana

21 weeks along and now a banana???? Okay, this has been the funniest one yet!!! I went from a cantaloupe to a banana!?!? Haha!
More info on baby: "Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch."

Yesterday, we took a Prepared Childbirth Class. We learned all about breathing techniques, exercises, massage, breastfeeding, and much more. We actually really enjoyed the class! At the end of the day, they took us on a tour of the labor & delivery floor and while we were there, they hooked us up to the heart monitor. It was so neat to see our baby's little heartbeat fluctuate! I just love our little miracle!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week 20: Cantaloupe

20 weeks along and baby is now comparable to the size of a cantaloupe!

More info on baby: Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, speaking of the diaper situation... baby's genitals are now fully formed!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Baby Update...

Today, I had my monthly appointment with my OB to follow up after my ultrasound. She said everything looked great...size, weight, spine, fluids, etc. She said I seem to still be on track for my original due date. The only concern was that I have develop a small hernia due to the pregnany, but we will just watch it for the time being. I scheduled my next monthly appointment and also moved the next ultrasound from the 26th to the 27th, so we could have a different US tech. We will now have the lady that did our first US, who was wonderful! Today was also a fun day for the baby's movement, as my dad felt him/her kick! So, now Terry, Mom & Dad have felt our little miracle! He/she is definitely a strong lil one! Everytime I feel this the baby (which is a LOT), I am reminded again that there is definitely a God! Anyone who doesn't believe, should try being pregnant and try to still not believe! I don't think it's possible!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Modest Baby!

So, my baby is modest and didn't want to show his/her stuff off! Everyone says that it must be a girl...haha! So we scheduled another U/S for the 26th! BUT most importantly, the baby looked good and healthy! He/she weighed 12 ounces. Here are some of the pics...

ALSO, this past Sunday, Terry felt the baby kick for the first time!!! He felt 4 strong kicks!!! We were so excited! Then, today, my mom got to feel a kick too!!! So amazing!!!


Spine & Head


Just Hours Away!

Today is the day and the countdown is 3.5 hours!!! I am so excited that I can hardly stand it! :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Week 19: Mango

19 weeks along and now a mango! We are anxiously awaiting to see our little mango on Wednesday!
More info on our little one: The hair on his/her scalp is sprouting. This is a crucial time for sensory development: Your baby's brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Count Down!!!

So we officially have 1 week until we find out the baby's sex! It's funny how life changes, usually at this time I would be counting down the days to my birthday! I am excited for that of course, but the ultrasound that day takes the cake!

I orignally didn't know if I wanted to find out, but now I simply cannot wait!!! I keep picturing what we would do for a girl's room or what we would do for a boy's room and thinking of names! I think it's awesome when people don't find out, such a FUN surprise! BUT I am soooo super excited to find out now! I hope, hope, hope that there is NO hiding during the ultrasound! If the baby decides not to show itself, then the doctor won't reschedule another ultrasound for 4 weeks! So fingers crossed! We will also see how accurate everyone's guessing is! According to the blog survey, you all voted...

Boy - 17 votes = 52%
Girl - 12 votes = 36%
Both/Twins - 4 votes = 12% (BUT we already know that you all are wrong!)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Belly!

Okay, I give! Here is my pregnant belly!!! It has definitely popped out! Terry & I are laughing because the 2nd picture is me at 16 weeks, where I thought I had popped out so much! Now look at me just 2 weeks later!

18 weeks

16 weeks

Week 18: Sweet Potato

18 weeks along today!!! We have come all the way from a little poppyseed to a sweet potato! 10 days until we find out if our little sweet potato is a girl or a boy! :)
More info on our precious little sweet potato: Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.