Monday, August 6, 2012


Turning 3 comes with a party but it also comes with dentist and doctors! Today was dentist, tomorrow is doctors. The dentist was interesting, let me just say! Noah did awesome last time, so I wasn't even worried. He was all excited until we went back. I could tell he was getting hesitant. Then he melted down! On top of that, I figured Allie would sleep in the car seat since it was during her morning nap but no such luck either! She was melting down! ha! So the appointment ended up with me holding crying Allie while pinning crying Noah down on the chair! haha! Oh fun morning! I am glad I can laugh about things like this! Terry would have been beyond words if he would have been there! ha!

After the tears, he told me it didn't even hurt and he would have been fine on the green chair! HAHA! Even with the crying, he LOADED up with toys! He even got a really cool electric CARS toothbrush because it was his birthday! His name was on the wall too! :)

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