Monday, January 23, 2012

35 Week Dr Appt

I had my 35 week appointment today. All is well! I am about 50% effaced and 1/2 to 1 cm dilated. Her heartrate was in the 150s again. I lost my mucous plug last Thursday too. I had a ton of questions about how the c-section will go this time - after my horrible experience last time. She assured me that it would be wonderful and that if all goes as planned, Allie doesn't even have to leave my side afterwards. That was a relief because I didn't get to see Noah for 3 hours afterwards and they didn't even tell me why! BUT she can be with me during my 1 hour recovery and have the "kangaroo" time and nurse her just as if it was a vaginal delivery. Music to my ears! I have definitely hit that point of "I am done and ready" and I just cannot wait to meet this little girl!


the lewis gang said...

i know it's so hard, but enjoy these moments! i don't really miss being preggers, but i do miss feeling that little body moving around. what a miracle it is! good luck!!!

ginmommy said...

Getting close now!!

Jami said...

A planned c-section is so much easier!!! I don't know how long you were in labor with Noah but I was in labor for about 12 hours before doing a c-section with Cooper. Needless to say I was exhausted. With Cameron it a total different experience. You will still have the same pain obviously, but the overall experience will be soooo much better!