Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Reveal Party

So here are the some pictures - I didn't narrow down very well but there were so many I wanted to include! Andrea & I love planning parties, so we were all decked out with pink and blue! We asked that everyone wear pink or blue according to their guess on sex. Everyone placed their dollar bets and put some name suggestions up. Chad, Fargol, Friyana, Derek, Khirstin & Braeden all joined us via Skype, which was awesome! Then we played an old wives tale game and made the big REVEAL. I gave Mike the envelope with our ultrasound in it and he put balloons according to the sex in our box and he already knew the sex of his baby, so he did the same in their box. Then we opened them at the same time! Out came BLUE for Andrea & Mike and out came PINK for us! I couldn't believe it! Seriously, I thought Mike was just messing with us! I asked for the ultrasound picture right away to confirm! haha! After that, we all ate, took "team" pictures and talked about the exciting news! I am SO EXCITED about this LITTLE GIRL on the way!


ginmommy said...

What a fun way to find out! I have to ask though...did the balloons get released at the same time? I would be paranoid that I thought mine was the pink one when it was actually the blue one. Or maybe I'm just a crazy paranoid woman! HA! Congratulations! A boy AND girl are fun :)

the lewis gang said...

i still can't believe you were able to hold out on the envelope! such a neat reveal! congrats! it would have been perfect too if it had been a boy and he and noah had been close brothers. but get your pants pulled up and ready for the drama of a girl! sass, jewelry, purses, attitude, and baby dolls are on the way!!! so fun!!