Monday, February 4, 2013

Allie Ann at 1 Year Old!

My sweet, sweet girl, you are one year old! I can't believe it! At one year old, you are so sweet, so cuddly, so dramatic and so, so beautiful! You are also:

  • Walking some! You can walk across the room - we have counted you taking 20 plus steps, but generally only if we bribe you!
  • Still nursing (3 times a day) and mommy still has a freezer of milk! Not sure when I am going to wean you!
  • You wear 12 month clothes (18 month footies PJs) and size 3 or 4 shoe. (except Nike you wear a 5). Size 3 diapers.
  • You have been a very picky eater lately, which is unlike you but you were sick recently. So I am hoping you will go back to your eat anything attitude!
  • Favorite foods for now seem to be yogurt, peas, green beans, banana, baby cereal, cheerios, yogurt melts and other snacks. You hate cheese.
  • You are a fantastic sleeper as you have always been! You take 1 nap a day that is 3 to 4 hours.
  • You know how to show us your tongue when we ask, show us your belly when we ask and point to your "pretty" (bow) when we ask! We are working on nose, finger and toes now! You shake your head no (a lot! ha!) and sign for more (though it's more of a clap). You love to patty cake. We ask you how old is Allie and you point your one finger up!
  • You can say Mama, Dada, PawPaw, bye bye, uh oh, baby, mum mum, all duh (done) and cheese (for the camera, not food!)
  • You love to get a hold of my phone, put it to your ear, and say "Dada, Dada, Dada!" You put lots of other things up to your ear and act like it's a phone.
  • You love to share. It even makes you giggle most of the time!
  • You are constantly into the DVDs. Mommy picks them up like 100 times a day! Your brother did this at your age too!
  • Favorites toys right now seem to be Noah's workbench and anything Noah is playing with...and your baby dolls and your new kitchen.
You are an absolute delight to this family miss Allie Ann! We love you so, so very much! You have always been so laid back (at least when Mommy's around) but lately have became quite a sass too! ha! You definitely let us know when you are not happy and when you are done with something. You are still rough and tough when it comes to your brother but you will definitely tell on him with no reserve. ha! You don't have to be too tough though because he is so, so sweet with you. He loves going in when you wake up from nap, he loves singing to you at bedtime and feeding you when I need an extra hand. You are growing up so fast and you need to stop that! ;) Mommy loves you!!! 

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