Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sick Kiddos!

So the Elder household was HIT with sickness, lots of sickness! Long story short, Noah, Allie and I ended up with strep. Terry, Noah and Allie ended up with a stomach bug. Not a fun week - not at all! We decided on post-pone Allie's birthday party to next week, just to be safe. On the bright side, Allie had her first sucker at the doctor.
So sad!
At one point, we all felt decent - so I was like, let's get outside and try to rid of these yucky germs!!

The day that Noah was throwing up all day (see him in the background), Terry was throwing up too. So I tried to keep Allie away from them (since she had already went through all that!). We played lots of baby dolls! She loves her babies! So, so cute!


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