Saturday, January 12, 2013

Noah's First Basketball Game!

Allie and I were ready to go - Noah, not so much! He was one tired boy from going to bed at midnight after the airport! BUT we arrived first at his game and were ready to go! Let me just say, it was SOOOO entertaining! Our team was a mess! Kids were everywhere, some crying, some eating snacks, some just sitting with their mommies! ha! Noah did really good at first! He was so excited - he made 2 goals during warm-up and he was the first one to dribble down and shoot! About half way through though, he was either just plain bored and really he pouted down the floor and kept running off. No worries though, he was all pumped back up once it was snack time! Oh to be 3! Looking forward to the next game!!! 
Sitting on the bench like a good boy but not happy about it because none of the other kids were doing what they were told (when told to sit on the bench and wait a turn, instead of with their parents!) haha! He was pouting big time!

His cheering section!

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