Friday, January 4, 2013

Allie at 11 Months!

How is it possible that my little angel girl is almost ONE?! Allie at 11 months:

  • You are so, so sweet!
  • You are insanely in love with your mommy! The feeling is very mutual!
  • You are very reserved with others still, you have to study people before you smile at them but overall better about going to others.
  • You still love your thumb, love to cuddle and your favorite place is still resting your head on mommy's chest. I LOVE IT!
  • You are really into clapping now and playing patty cake. You love to share - it makes you giggle!
  • You have 7 teeth and the eighth is super close.
  • You love to show us your tongue when we ask you and to show us "how big is Allie!"
  • You always give Mommy kisses and still don't give them often to anyone else! Mommy doesn't mind! ;) You love to mock us when we blow kisses!
  • You are still not walking which is crazy! Not that we are in a rush or that you are behind by any means, it's only crazy because you were taking steps months ago! I think you are just a chicken! ;)
  • You love to point your finger at things. We ask you "how old is Allie?" and you hold your 1 finger up! Noah is always like "BUT she isn't ONE yet!" haha!
  • The foods you enjoy most right now include: banana (but not so much baby food bananas), peas, turkey, yogurt, baby cereal, bread, crackers, chicken. You hate cheese. You definitely prefer to feed yourself and seem to be not liking being feed baby food near as much.
  • You get excited when we ask if you want a snack and if the snack is a Baby Mum Mum, you always start saying "Mum Mum, Mum Mum!"
  • You love to the stairs at MawMaw's house - you wear us out!
  • You really love your baby dolls or other stuffed animals like Violet. You giggle when you see them!
  • You are wearing mostly 12 months (18 month feetie pjs). Size 3 and 4 shoes but size 5 Nike's (confusing, I know?).
  • You are nursing in the morning, 4pm and 8pm. You take a sippy of breastmilk at 12. Not sure how I am going to wean you anytime soon and I still have a freezer full of milk!
  • You are just starting to drop your morning nap. So you have one nap from 1 to usually 4 or 4:30. You have always slept great at night - go to bed around 8:30. You wake up generally between 7 and 8 am..sometimes randomly 9. If you wake up on the earlier side, you nurse in my bed and we generally fall back to sleep. Usually brother comes and wakes us up a little later and we play in bed for a while. I love this time so much!
  • You are allergic to SOMETHING! I think we are dealing with multiple things but can't seem to put our finger on it. We are fairly certain you were allergic to the Christmas tree but you keep breaking out in hives still. I think it bother me more than you, but I still don't like it! Ugh!
You are an amazing little girl! We love you sooo much! Your smile is simply adorable, your face is gorgeous and you are about as rotten as can be! ha! Noah loves you so much too - he is really liking that I have let him "pick you up" lately. We were in the store the other day and he wanted to carry you (which he didn't get to, of course! ha!) and he said "Give me my gator!!" with a big smile on his face!

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