Sunday, March 11, 2012

My Birthday!

I spent my birthday morning with a headache, so I spent most of it on the church napping with my baby girl, which at least made the headache a little enjoyable! Later, we went to Hubers with my
family. It was a beautiful day, so the kids got to play outside after we ate and burn off a little sugar from the cookie cake! Noah picked out the colors for my cake, orange and green. He really wanted it to be a minnie mouse cake since I am a girl but they said they didn't do them there, so he settled for green and orange!

MawMaw & PawPaw and all of their grandkids expect for one. Wish Friyana was here but love the pic!


The Harrell Family said...

Happy Birthday!!! Love the picture of all the grandkids!

The Black's said...

Good gravy, that's a lot of McAfee babies!!! Soooo cute!