Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Trip to PA

With Derek's arrival home from Iraq coming early, we decided to head to PA and have Thanksgiving with him, Khirstin & Braeden this year! It was a great trip! It took about 11 hours to get there and about 10.5 to get back. I just have to say that Noah was SO, SO, SO good! I was actually pleasantly surprised just how good! He didn't complain once. He kept saying "We are going on a LONG drive to see Uncle Derek! Hooray!" He was excited to watch Cars for the first time, along with Thomas videos, Bob the Builder, Nemo, etc. Anyways, the extented weekend was wonderful! Even Chad, Fargol & Friyana came in, so it was extra special!

I love this picture of Derek & Noah. They were in deep conversation! I am pretty sure Derek thinks Noah is pretty hilarious!

Everyone! Playing Pictionary on the Wii

Us who that ventured out at midnight with the crazies to do some Black Friday Shopping!
 I came home to this....sweet boys!

I went with the boys to Gettysburg. It was really something to see.


ginmommy said...

Very neat trip!

Jami said...

Looks like a great trip. So glad he is home safe and sound.