Thursday, February 17, 2011


It was calling for 74 degrees on Thursday, so Mom & I decided it was definitely time for a trip to the zoo! I kept debating on what to wear and what to put Noah in because I knew it might be cooler in the morning and then I thought we might be really warm later in the day. Well, thank goodness I decided on a warmer outfit for Noah because there was no 74 degrees today! Mom & I were really cold!!! BUT it was a great, great day!!! Noah had such a good time! He walked almost the whole 3 hours+ and he was so in awe with all of the animals, even more so than before. He simply LOVED it!

So isn't this picture crazy looking?
Love this picture!
Some playground time - he cracks me up on the slide. He started going down on his belly yesterday at the park and now does it everytime!
Love this pic too!
He kept yelling "Seal, back" everytime it swam away!
MawMaw teaching Noah how to walk like a flamingo! Haha! :)
He had to sit on almost every bench we passed! Haha! He thought he was such big stuff!
Seriously, he looks SO BIG here!!! Look at that cute face!
He was LOVING the crazy wind!
No better way to end a great day, then a trip with Daddy for ice cream on Chiller's season opener! He wanted to make sure every drop of Daddy's milkshake was gone! Ha!


Jill said...

Wish we would have seen you. We were there Thursday, too! :)

ginmommy said...

That giraffe picture is wild!! Your little man is too cute!!

The Harrell Family said...

Jealous!! Looks like so much fun!

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

He DOES look so big!!