Thursday, February 3, 2011

18 Month Old

Noah is officially 18 months old today! SERIOUSLY time - please, please, please slow down! I clearly remember when he turned 6 months old and I was pretty emotional about it. I kept telling Terry that we were going to blink and he would be a year old. I kept thinking how it was such a milestone month and how I needed to plan his first birthday party. Terry would just laugh at me and say "it's SIX month away". Well, I was right, he was wrong (something pretty normal around here! haha!) - we blinked and his first birthday came and went. Well, now he is 18 months old and all I can think is that he is going to be 2 before we know it! Something about that half year mark makes me so emotional because I know the 2nd half of the year is going to fly by and he is going to be another year older! I get so excited to plan his party...I get so excited with every milestone he passes...I get so excited to watch him learn and grow...but I get so sad at the same time - I really am afraid we are going to blink and he is going to be in kindergarten, then college, then married with kids! Goodness, I am a mess! Haha! BUT on a brighter note, Noah Lee, you are amazing! You are so smart, so energetic, so fun and full of personality, and you have a smile that melts everyone you see! You are becoming more mature every day, you listen well and say please with everything you ask. You couldn't be more perfect for us because God gave us YOU! I love you so much sweet boy!

Do they come any cuter?
Other things to remember at 18 months of age:
  • You love to read
  • Your favorites toys right now are trucks/cars, balls, your tools, and your wooden rocking horse
  • You absolutely love your Ribbitt and your pillow! They are a must a nap and bedtime! You are a fantastic sleeper!
  • You are pretty picky when it comes to food anymore but you love apples, bananas, pizza, chicken, cheese, yogurt, grapes. You are always wanting a "snack please" of crackers or animal cookies!
  • You love milk and water. You really won't drink anything else.
  • Your vocabulary is huge! Your new thing is to say "Whoa, awesome!" It makes me & Daddy laugh every time!
  • You love, love, love being tickled and tickling others!
  • You know all your colors, every animal sound, and you can name every family member
  • You are putting lots of words together, even more just in the last couple of days
  • You love jumping on the couch like it's a trampoline! ha!
  • You can open doors, lock doors, and know how to push things under the light switches, so that you can reach them to turn the lights on and off - yes, life is more interesting every day! ha!
  • You love basketball and football!
  • You are a great helper! You love to help Mommy empty the dishwasher, put the clothes in the dryer and pick up toys.
  • You love baths, always have! Lately, you say "mmmm" every time we say bath because you think you are going to get a sucker or popsicle! Yes, we were good to you while you were sick! ;)

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