Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Word Count - 134+

During Noah's exam, Dr. Bichir asked if he could speak at least 10 words. I said yes and Mom kind of laughed and said I bet he can speak 50! So it got me thinking about it and now I really want to know and remember how many and what words at the age of 18 months that he say. So Noah, this is for our keepsake - you pretty clearly and regularly use the following words (and I am sure I am forgetting many but these are the ones that you say pretty much on a daily basis that I can remember off hand)....
  1. Hello
  2. Bye-Bye
  3. Nigh-Nigh
  4. All gone
  5. All done
  6. More
  7. Peese (Please)
  8. Thank you
  9. Me
  10. Hot (referring to food, candles, oven, toaster)
  11. Outside
  12. Airplane
  13. Choo-Choo
  14. Train
  15. Food
  16. Eat
  17. Chicken
  18. Pizza
  19. Apple
  20. Sucker
  21. Sugar
  22. Yogurt
  23. Nana (Banana)
  24. Milk
  25. Drink
  26. Juice (which you don't like by the way)
  27. Waer (Water)
  28. Snack
  29. Ice cream
  30. Cheese
  31. Cookie
  32. Mehecine (medicine)
  33. Fork
  34. Spoon
  35. Cup
  36. Bowl
  37. Yuck
  38. Coat
  39. Shoes
  40. Socks
  41. Jeans
  42. Hat
  43. Shirt
  44. Eye
  45. Ears
  46. Nose
  47. Chin
  48. Cheek
  49. Hair
  50. Toes
  51. F00t
  52. Knee
  53. Hand
  54. Belly
  55. Yellow
  56. Purple
  57. Orange
  58. Geen (Green)
  59. Blue
  60. Pink
  61. Red
  62. Umbella (Umbrella)
  63. Bucket
  64. Moon
  65. Star
  66. Sun
  67. Circle
  68. Heart
  69. Hammer
  70. Saw
  71. Wrench
  72. Pliers (yes, you love your tools!)
  73. Dog
  74. Snake
  75. Bee
  76. Peacock
  77. Pilla (Caterpillar)
  78. Hippo
  79. Walwa (Walrus)
  80. Duck
  81. Gecko
  82. Shark
  83. Whale
  84. Peguin
  85. Mouse
  86. Squeak, squeak
  87. House
  88. Home
  89. Ball
  90. B-ball (Basketball
  91. Foball (Football)
  92. Bath
  93. RuRu (Aunt Andrea)
  94. Mikey
  95. Derek
  96. Mel
  97. Alec (Alex)
  98. Missa
  99. Mimi
  100. Pa
  101. PawPaw
  102. MawMaw
  103. Momma
  104. Dadda
  105. Sam
  106. Jake
  107. Book
  108. Dark
  109. Mickey
  110. Truck
  111. Car
  112. Bibbit (Ribbitt - your sleeping buddy)
  113. Tickle, Tickle
  114. Elmo
  115. Sit
  116. No, No (haha!)
  117. Ouch
  118. Work
  119. Shout
  120. Beat
  121. Memote (remote)
  122. Pillow
  123. Whoa
  124. Picture
  125. Bath
  126. Pee-pee
  127. Poop
  128. Hop
  129. Jump
  130. Kiss
  131. What?
  132. Yes
  133. This
  134. That

Ok, wow! That is so many more than I thought! These really are almost all said on a daily basis, while playing, bathing or reading, etc. If sounds count, you also can say the following: neigh, moo, rawr, buzz, baa, hiss, meow, etc. You have also been putting words together a lot lately too. Such as:

  • Daddy work? (Is Daddy at work?)
  • Airplane all gone?
  • Choo-choo all gone?
  • Milk please
  • What's this?

I also want to remember how you put people together. If we talk about MawMaw, you ask about PawPaw. If you see a picture of Andrea, you say "RuRe", then "Mikey". Same with Mel/Alec, Mimi/Pa, Sam/Jake, etc.

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

WOW!! Nice work Noah!! We are so proud of you!