Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Moms get to brag anytime they want, right? Well, here's one for this mommy! Noah is so smart - seriously, smart and he is only 17 months old! He catches on to everything so fast, loves to read and impresses me every day! He can pick out any animal, sun, cloud, airplane, truck, kite, river, etc, etc in any book. He knows all the animal sounds that I can think to teach him. He can say and point to most any of the basic body parts - eyes, ears, hair, teeth, nose, chin, knees, hands, belly, bellybutton, toes, and feet. He knows some shapes and he knows 6 colors - Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, and Orange. He can both pick the color out when I ask him "where's ____?" and tell me what the color is when I point out a color. He really knew most of them about a month ago (at 16 months) but I finally got it on video tonight! So proud of my lil stinker...smart stinker!


Jill said...

That's so awesome! What a smartie pants! ☺

The Mac Pack said...

Awww...I am so proud of him! Braeden could barely talk at 17 months...haha.

Anonymous said...

That is amazing! I just read that the average is 36 months!

Anonymous said...

So very proud of my wonderful wife and son. Thank you for the time you spend teaching him. I love you.

Jami said...

That was awesome! Great speech too! My son couldn't talk at 17 months either.

The Harrell Family said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who brags! haha

This remindes me of when you watched Addie and said, "Do you know that she knows her colors"! Haha

Great Job Noah!!

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

smart, smart boy!! :)