Thursday, January 20, 2011


So I have been a blog-mommy slacker lately! Re-cap of our time - lots of indoor play, separation anxiety, and sickness! Ugh! I have been taking Noah to the Y child watch for the last 3 weeks, while I work out. He has never been left with anyone, except family. So this was really hard for me. I figured going in there that I would be a mess keeping myself together and that he would be just fine! Well, I was wrong, he hates it. So now he is super attached to me. I can't leave the room without him by my side. On top of that, he is rarely sick but has had strep not once, but twice since going there! So now I just don't know what to do! I know that it WILL be good for both him and me, but this is so hard! He hasn't shown any sign of getting used to it either! Anyways, on top of both his strep and everything, the poor baby's medicine is giving him bad diarrhea/rash and he has another molar coming in! I also had a stomach bug earlier this week and now have a stuffy/running nose! SO, needless to say, I have been slacking on the updates. I have only taken a few pictures in the last few weeks, so here they are! We have had a little fun here! Most of these were taken last week during the snow....

Making snow ice cream! Noah liked eating the snow, just as much as the finished product! Playing in a box with Daddy! Haha!
Making snowman cookies one day, since he was too sick to play in the actual snow!


ginmommy said...

Pierce was the same exact way about being left. He was always with me, and family. He would fuh-reak out. I hated it, but I just kept trying. He's always been a momma's boy, sounds like Noah will be too. They eventually outgrow it. Sorry you guys have been sick.

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

LOVE snow ice cream!

Look at it like are building up his immune system before he gets in school. Kids that are around other kids when they are young are always less sick once they get to school.

The Harrell Family said...

Aw..sorry that he has been so sick! But, glad you are getting some "mommy" time!! We have been in the same boat lately leaving Addie at sunday school during church! It is always SO hard!!