Sunday, February 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Andrea & Derek!

Today we went to Lynn's Paradise Cafe for Andrea & Derek's birthday! It is a really cool place, decked out with lots of crazy decorations and delicious food! After lunch, we headed to the river front for cake and presents. It was such a wonderful day for the park!!! Noah really enjoyed it!

So funny story...after lunch, we were heading to the park. Derek was going to ride with us. Well, Terry gets Noah's carseat out and puts it in the back because it's just easier to strap Noah in there. I think nothing of it, but Derek becomes very concerned. "What? He rides back there? Are you all crazy?!" HAHAHAHA!!! Oh, Derek, I love you!

Noah was kicking his feet, just enjoying the fresh air at the park!
Happy Birthday Andrea & Derek! Love you both!Derek & I were enjoying the cake, to say the least...haha!


ginmommy said...

So, your bro and sis have the same birthday, or are they just close together??

Terry, Leslie, Noah, Allie, Laynie & Gracie said...

Same birthday...they are twins!

ginmommy said...

REALLY?!?!? How cool is that!!!