Saturday, December 19, 2009

McAfee Christmas!

Tonight, we had the big McAfee Christmas and it was....well...interesting! Noah literally screamed inconsolably and so we headed home within like a hour of being there! I didn't even finish eating! I am not really sure what happened. I know he was having some teething pain, so we gave him some Baby Orajel for the first time and I think he maybe had an allergic reaction to it...his mouth got red bumps all over it. I think between that, maybe some gas tossed it there, tiredness, and ALL the people and noise...he was just not having it! He missed out on seeing Santa (which I think I was more bummed about than he was!), but he did calm down for a few minutes to enjoy the present that Santa left for him...a new cell phone and he loves it!!!
It's good for our teething baby boy!

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