Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was filled with magic, especially with a 4 day old in the house! I still can't believe Gracie is here with us to celebrate! The kids woke up to search for Elvie and Snoop, in hopes there would be a note that they could hold them and say goodbye. Sure enough, there was! We had our morning reindeer waffles. The kids read Christmas books to Gracie. We made our reindeer food and threw it in the yard. The kids exchanged their gifts to each other. We were going to try to head to Christmas Eve mass but it just didn't happen. Mommy is recovering and with 4 kids, one being 4 days old, it just didn't happen. Pretty sure it's the first time, I have missed in my life! We got our PJs on and headed to Maw and Paw Nic's that evening. Santa stopped by, we opened gifts, ate, and enjoyed the company. We read our Twas the Night Before Christmas book on the way home as always, and then sat out the cookies, milk and special notes for Santa! So excited for tomorrow morning!

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