Sunday, March 15, 2015

Our first few days home...

Some fun things to remember about our first few days home with Laynie Lynn:

Allie still loves for Laynie to have a paci (even if she wants nothing to do with it!) and she loves helping change diapers. She loves showing her off and telling everyone about her. She loves to have her try everything out, the bouncy seat, the swing, the bassinet, etc. Allie likes getting in her swing herself too, which means that swing is totally going to break soon, haha! Allie also swears my pump is saying "waffles, waffles, waffles". Noah loves holding Laynie, especially while he watches TV. He will just hold her and hold her, like she's always been a part of this family. It's so sweet. The kids are still intrigued about her drinking milk from my boobs, as they say. I showed Noah & Allie how Laynie will root on your face if she is hungry. They think that is HILARIOUS! Now they want Laynie to root on their faces every time and then they say "Silly Laynie, that's not a boob!!!"

I just adore this sweet girl! She is just so cuddly and knowing she is probably our last child, I can hardly put her down. I love her soft hair - I love that all my kids had that sweet, soft hair. I love rubbing my cheeks on it. She hasn't slept well at night so far but hopefully that will get better soon - good thing she is cute!

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