Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My Sweet Little 2 Year Old Allie

At two years old, sweet Allie:
  • You love to sing! You know Twinkle, Twinkle, ABC's (you will skip some here and there usually but you can sing the whole song!), Little Bunny Foo Foo, Rock a Baby (Rockabye Baby, that is!) 
  • You can count to 10 without missing any numbers - then you will skip a few here and there up to 20. You know all your colors, have for a long time. You can identify anything and everything in books. You love reading, especially the Einstein books.
  • You are showing a major interest in potty training. Actually you have been for months - I guess we will be doing that very soon!
  • You wear mostly 2T stuff - starting into some 3s because you are so tall! You wear mostly size 8 shoes.
  • You love Hello Kitty, Minnie Mouse, Princesses and Bakaball (basketball). You love playing baby dolls and Barbie.
  • You will not watch any TV, except some Baby Einstein and basketball! You will get mad sometimes when basketball gets turned off! ha!  
  • You can say anything and everything you want. Great complete sentences and full conversation. You are a very clear talker, just like your brother always was!
  • You are a snack queen! You are always asking for snacks!
  • You are and always have been a fantastic sleeper - you love your naps and bedtime. You still take around a 3 hour nap most days. You have to give everyone kisses first and say "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!" before saying nigh, nigh!
  • Lately, you have insisted on me singing Rockabye baby before I lay you down.
  • You LOVE Noah's preschool. In the mornings, you try to stay and play. When we pick him up from school, you pass all the parents in line, run in and go find a seat, like all the big kids!
  • You are as sweet as they come and you still LOVE your mommy SO MUCH! I call you my Velcro. Though I will say, you have came around SOOO much to everyone else. You will actually want Daddy over me sometimes, which took you 2 years to do! ha! You really love your MawMaw & PawPaw - oh my goodness, do you love them!! You, of course, adore Noah - you all have your times of course, but my goodness, do you love him too! 
  • You love to say in the cutest voice EVER - "Oh goodness gracious" and "Adorable"! We laugh so hard every time you say it!
  • You are so polite. You have better manners than most adults. You are so good with please and thank you!

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