Sunday, November 4, 2012

Allie's at 9 Months

Allie, you are 9 months old sweet girl!!! At 9 months:

  • You are standing alone, crawling, cruising and you took your first alone step (s) last night.
  • You say Mama, Dada, and Bub-ba (Noah) - to each of us accordingly.
  • You wave bye-bye and give kisses, though you are a little stingy with them! ha!
  • Wearing 9 and 12 month clothes, size 3 diapers and size 3 shoes.
  • Have 5 teeth now.
  • Nurse at 8/12/4/8 now and eat 3 meals a day. You take 2 naps - one from 10-11am and then another from 1-4pm. Bed at 8:30 pm. You are an awesome sleeper, just like Noah!
  • You still do not care for bottles much, or a sippy cup for that matter.
  • Eating stage 3 food, table food and pretty much anything we will give you! You will eat any fruits and veggies. You actually seem to favor veggies more.
  • You love little mandarin oranges, puffs, mum mums, yogurt, rice cereal and chicken noodle soup. You demand to have finger foods of some sort at every meal.
  • Though we call you Allie Cat often, you are like a little puppy dog, always chewing on socks and sometimes shoes! You will actually go pull socks off people (especially yourself and Noah).
  • You have crazy awesome hair that I just love! It's getting so long that you pretty much have to have your hair pulled back in some way to keep it out of your eyes.
  • We get asked ALL the time if we dye your hair because of the natural streaks of high and low lights you have!
  • You are still a mommy's girl to the MAX! I know this will change to daddy before long, so I am trying to soak it up! Your favorite place in the world still seems to be in my arms, especially sucking your thumb and laying your head on my chest.
  • You, me and Noah snuggle in my bed every morning, even if it's just for a few minutes - we love it!
  • You love your hairbrush! You carry it around all the time.
  • You love playing with Noah's cars. He doesn't feel the same way. haha!
  • You love playing in the ball tent - and crack up when we say boo into each of the windows!
  • You love bath time! We stripped you down in the living room and then start the bath water, you hear it and you JET to it - just like your big brother use to at your age!
  • You are very ticklish - your chest, belly, feet and thighs!
  • Your favorite songs seems to be "Wheels on the Bus" - it always calms you.
  • You are definitely starting to show your attitude personality. Though you are very laid back in general, especially at home, you definitely let us know when you are unhappy too.
  • You babble and smile like crazy, but seem to be somewhat shy when out and about and around other people, especially new ones. You are getting a little better about guys - for a short period, you cried if one came near you (with the exception of Daddy & PawPaw!). At this point, you seem to like guys and girls in general but don't really want to be held by them. Really, you prefer to be in Mommy's arms just about anytime and just talk to other people from there! ha!
  • You are rotten! I am definitely noticing the difference between having a boy and a girl now and having a first and second child! ha!
  • You love the leapfrog tables - you dance to the music!
  • When we are home, I swear I will turn for a second and you are gone. You are almost always in Noah's room playing with his toys! ha!
You are simply AWESOME! You are my sweet, sassy, funny, crazy, demanding, laid back, loud, shy....GIRL! That is how you can be all those things in one because you are a girl! Ha! :)

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