Monday, June 4, 2012

Allie's 4 Month Appointment!

Allie is 4 months old! She is just the sweetest, most easy going little thing! Her appointment went great. She got a couple of shots, but only cried for a minute. At 4 months, she weighs 14.45 oz (75th percentile), 24.5 inches (50th percentile) and 16 inches on head (50th percentile). She is doing great and hitting all her milestones! I can't believe she was considered a preemie and is so high in all the percentiles! She is a good eater!

At 4 months, she is as happy as can be - laughing and smiling all the time. She is rolling both ways easily. She likes to roll all over the living room floor and gets her knees under her to scoot. She is apparently strong like her brother! She is often sleeping on her belly when I check on her now. She is doing everything to try to be a thumb sucker and I am doing everything I can to stop it! ha! She loves her paci, thankfully - so I have to switch out her thumb for the paci often. She is wearing 3 months and 3-6 months clothes and size 2 diapers. She loves to nurse and isn't a huge fan of a bottle. She loves to stare at me as she nurses and when I look down, she smiles, giggles, and then continues to eat. She is eating cereal some and seems to like it. She has really started to enjoy her brother too. She smiles and talks to him often! It's so sweet! Overall she is a happy baby and just goes with the flow!

Noah was having a ball taking pictures of Dr. Bichir. They were cracking each other up!

Afterwards, the three of us headed to Chick-fil-a! Both kids were happy campers! :)

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