Tuesday, May 4, 2010

9 Month Check Up

Noah's 9 month check up went well, a little crazy but well! I say crazy because for some reason the appointment lasted almost 2 hours (it normally doesn't) and so the first hour, Noah was a wild man, wiggling, laughing, and wanting down to crawl and be free! Then the 2nd hour, it was his nap time so he was cranky! It was quite the experience! Haha! BUT Noah is doing great, developmentally and physically. He weighed 21 lbs 9.5 oz, putting him in the 50th percentile. He was 30 1/4 in long putting him in the 90th percentile and head was 18in putting him in the 50th percentile (definitely don't think that was accurate considering the wild child was going crazy during this one! haha!). He had one shot and his finger pricked to check his iron levels, which came back that he is slightly anemic. I am anemic, as well, so it doesn't surprise me too much since he is breastfed. Dr. Bichir wasn't too concerned but told me to put him on a vitamin and that he will test him again at his one year. Overall, he is doing great! Healthy Baby = Happy Mommy & Baby!
Me & my baby!
He looks so big here!
Check out his boo-boo!

1 comment:

The Harrell Family said...

Awesome news!! Good Job Noah!