Friday, July 3, 2009

Pre-4th Fun!

Tonight we went to Mom & Dad's house and had SUCH a wonderful time! It was actually nice and cool outside, so it's the first time I have really enjoyed spending time outdoors lately!!! Anyways, we ate pizza, then did some chipping and putting (SO cool to have a golf course in your backyard!), played some basketball, and then went to Pollys! I feel like during this last HOT month, I have hardly done anything expect work and spend time inside with air, so this was exactly what I needed! The whole night was so much fun! Oh and I have to say, when we were playing basketball, Andrea, Mike, Terry & I decided to play "MONKEY" (you know, like horse or pig) and I totally won! Haha! I have to rub in it that the 9 mo preg beat you all!

This pic CRACKS me up!

Yes, those are my elevated feet in the shot! Ha! :)
Dad tried to feed mom a bite and she ended up spitting it everywhere!
It was hilarious!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! What a fun night! Where is my dunking pic? And we let you win, we felt sorry for you & your big belly ;-)! Love you! Andrea