Thursday, February 19, 2015

False Alarm

I took my first trip to the hospital for a false alarm, I guess! ha! I never went to the hospital with either of the kids, except for when I came home with them!

Anyways, it was like reliving Allie's birth! I started contractions at home around 9pm. I had contractions for a few hours, never stopping, every 5 mins. They weren't painful, just there...just like Allie. So we decided we better go in. I went in and they did everything they did with Allie. They gave me 2 doses of medicines and 2 liters of IV - nothing which stopped the contractions....just like Allie. So I figured it was baby time but when they checked for dilation, I hadn't progressed. So they sent me home. Looks like Laynie isn't coming right now. She said she would be surprised if I made it to my schedule C-section date of March 9th but they she thought I would make it through the weekend. We shall see!

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