Sunday, December 15, 2013

Noah's Preschool Christmas Program!

I was MORE than excited to see my big boy perform today! He was excited too! He had lots of fans in the crowd and he did great! He was pretty serious most of the time and would smile so big when he would make eye contact with me and knew I wanted a picture. It was so funny! He is such a good listener and was just so cute up there! His teacher said he did just what he thought he would do - which was listen and do exactly as he was told! :)
This little girl, Brooklyn, LOVES Noah! Like head over heels for him, says her grandma and mother. It's so cute! Noah is so oblivious to it - I asked him about her one day and he said "yeah, I know Brooklyn, she's always looking at me and always touching me!" hahaha! Oh to be a boy!

Here he comes!!!

We had him a little surprise afterwards because we knew he would do awesome!!!

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