Sunday, March 31, 2013


After our fun morning, we were off to church. I tried to get a couple of pictures, though it's probably not proper, the kids were just so cute together! After church, we were off to MawMaw & PawPaw's house. We did pictures, ate, celebrated MawMaw's birthday, did an egg hunt, played cards and just had a great time!

There are probably my favorite pictures of them EVER!

We attempted to get all of the kids with their baskets and rain boots on! haha!

 Allie found her one egg and plopped her cute, white dress butt into the mud and was happy! haha! Mom put a pair of PawPaw's big o'socks on since her rainboots wouldn't stay on!

 Sam teaching Noah "I like big butts and I cannot lie!" What? haha!

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