Friday, May 6, 2011

Dr. Khirstin McAfee

My sister-in-law Khirstin is the very soon-to-be Dr. Khirstin McAfee. She just finished with med school and will officially graduate next weekend from Kansas City University. We are so super proud of her! We had a party in her honor tonight. We wish so much that Derek could have been there but he was there via webcam/skype for some of it.

Me, Khirstin & LaCinda with our boys! How fun! All the girls!

All of the boys! Notice Derek on the computer! :)

Noah was giving Derek kisses! So sweet!

Giving Grandma kisses! And of course, I got some pictures of miss Nora!

1 comment:

The Mac Pack said...

So funny that Braeden is sitting on Terry's lap. He makes himself right at home!

Also, thanks for the pictures! I am stealing them left and right...